السبت، 6 يوليو 2013

Hundreds of thousands in the streets in the biggest crowd in the human level, in support of the President of Egypt : Morsi

Full documentation of the demonstrations yesterday on the level of the country of Egypt
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Revolution 5/7 in all the governorates of Egypt supporters of President-elect Morsi
توثيق كامل للمظاهرات امس علي مستوي القطر المصري 

انشر وكن الاعلام البديل ... 

ثورة 5/7 في كل محافظات مصر 
Longer march from Cairo University to Maspero

Hundreds of thousands of people of Qena in the majestic view of rising up against the military coup Friday, 05/07/2013

Assiut demonstrations opposing the military coup (Friday)

Hundreds of thousands in the streets in the biggest 

 crowd in the human level, in support of the President

Mass demonstrations in the center of Bani Mazar in Upper Egypt to support our president, Dr. Mohamed Morsy

Malawi demonstrations in Egypt Friday, 7/5 against the military coup against legitimacy

Matay people support the legitimacy of President Morsi

Maghagha people pause in front of a police station Maghagha - F rejection

Mass demonstrations in support of thousands in Samalout in favor of legitimacy and demand the return of President-elect Dr. Mohamed Morsi

Fayoum ..Side of the marches in support of President Dr. Mohamed Morsi, and rejected the military coup

Beni Suef F anger reiterates once again the largest 

crowd in the history of Upper Egypt

Other demonstrations

Pro Morsi protests 5 7 2013 

مظاهرات مؤيدة لمرسي الجيزة

The first demonstration

The second demonstration

Part of the process of rejection of the military coup on the 

legitimacy of the President of Egypt, Dr. Mohamed Morsi, 

Mansoura - Friday 5 July
جانب من مسيرة رفض الإنقلاب العسكرى على الشرعية بالمنصورة - الجمعة 5 يوليو

Eastern province convulsed against the coup on the legitimacy 

of President Morsi

محافظة الشرقية تنتفض ضد الانقلاب علي شرعية مرسى

Lake rise up in support of the legitimate, security and thugs attack on the march

البحيرة تنتفض لنصرة الشرعية والأمن والبلطجية يعتدون على المسيرة



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